A reminder:
The chart above, as with all on VDU, is made for general interest only. It is also freely available for anyone's use, just cite the page and me please. It may be that I have misinterpreted the language in the reports (sometimes a little tricky to wade through) or miscalculated some totals based on the way data have been presented.
There are very country-specific differences in what gets presented to/via the World Health Organization's Disease Outbreak News which make this process less clear than it could be. I recommend you have a read and compare the data from each of the 3 countries for yourself to understand these issues.
As I've talked about previously,[2] these numbers are all volatile for a variety of reasons, some Ebola-specific, so regard this chart for its trends only.
- Ebola virus disease, West Africa - update
http://www.who.int/csr/don/2014_06_24_ebola/en/ - Ebola virus disease and lab testing...