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Adjustment to dates....

Got myself confused didn't I?!

I mentioned in a post last week that..

I started within Week #35 (given that Week#1 starts from Feb-5; the week in which symptoms were reported for the index case on Feb-11). Prior to Week #35, things were very quiet going back to April-2013. A couple of cases in July.
That date, Feb-11, is in fact when the son of the confirmed index case was ill. The son was never able to be confirmed (despite me thinking I'd seen a paper that showed antibody results for him) so he remains as a "probable" case. 

The 87-year old father became ill 19-Feb-2013. I've also adjusted my Week numbering to start on the Monday of the week of interest. So Week #1 of the H7N9 outbreak, based on the week in which illness onset was identified in the first lab-confirmed case, begins 18-Feb-2013.

What does this mean? Not a lot really. In those charts with a date scale on the x-axis (the bottom line), the beginning will have shifted, and the comment from last week's blog has been updated to say that I started from Week #33.

Welcome to Week #48 (the beginning of the 48th week) of known human influenza cases due to avian influenza A(H7N9) virus.

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