With new H7N9 human case announcements reduced to zero for the past 2 nights (my time), we'll now get a look at what happens when a market gets restocked after the region it serviced has had a transmission interruption, and the weather moves towards Spring and its subtropical rainy season. Will the market be restocked from virus-positive farms? Is the weather still conducive to maximising H7N9's chances of being picked up by humans? Will surveillance methods have changed at the markets in Guangzhou?
"..poultry traders are required to clean their stalls every day, carry out a thorough sterilization once a week and close business one day a month." Shanghai Daily.It is like watching an experiment played out in real-time. Without the Aims. Or hypotheses. Or controls. Or stuff.
Related links...
- Zhejiang province leads the way in H7N9 cases and their decline 3-weeks after market closures...
http://newsmedicalnet.blogspot.com.au/2014/02/zhejiang-province-leads-way-in-case.html - Guangzhou reopens live poultry markets http://www.shanghaidaily.com/national/Guangzhou-reopens-live-poultry-markets/shdaily.shtml
- China.today Guangdong Province weather
- Shenzen shopper weather