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MERS-CoV tally....

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The global MERS-CoV map as of 18-11-2013.
Kuwait is currently depicted as having imported, 
rather than locally transmitted or acquired cases.
The WHO tally for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) lab-confirmed cases now stands at 157, of which 66 have died. 

The 2 latest cases, with lots of relevant WHO details are from Kuwait but are reportedly not contacts.

  • FT#158. 47-year old male, ill on 30-Oct, hospitalized 7-Nov. He is critically ill. Travel outside of Kuwait, within a time-frame that might suggest MERS-CoV acquisition, has not been noted so far so I am marking this in red on the map to indicate a local acquisition for now.
  • FT#159. 52-year old male, ill on 7-Nov, hospitalized 10-Nov. He recently travelled overseas and there is possible exposure to camels (WHO tweet without specific detail, 16-Nov). Also critically ill.

My tally lists another case, that of the case imported into Spain (61-year old female). However, that case has not yet been confirmed to WHO standards which may require a change to the map if the case, like the 2 from Italy in September, are classified as "probable" rather than confirmed cases. 
Thus the proportion of fatal cases stands at 42%.

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