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Qatari camels clear coronavirus

The camel herd that was previously Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MES-CoV) RT-PCR-positive is no longer positive for viral RNA according to an OIE report (OIE=Office International des Epizooties; the world organisation for animal health).
In there report they note that retesting of the herd, subsequent to the initial testing presumably, has yielded no positive this time around.

So it looks like the MERS-CoV infection is an acute infection (it is contracted, it causes illness - perhaps - and then it goes thanks to an immune response - perhaps), as are many/most) viral infections of animals and humans.

An interesting comment within the report states that...

The planned massive survey for MERS-CoV in animals is under implementation and the same herd is under systematic retesting. Follow-up reports will be submitted when there will be new data.

I do like a statement that includes the words "massive study" in it!

Hat tip to CIDRAP.

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