Some studies have claimed that climatic factors, particularly temperature, have a clear impact on seasonal influenza outbreaks [34,35]. The weather in eastern China is very cold between December and January, and temperatures begin to rise in late February. It is usually relatively warm in March and April, and starts to get hot from May. The temporal characteristics of human infections with influenza A(H7N9) virus suggest that temperature has some association with incidence of this disease. The prevailing mild climate may have been particularly suitable for influenza A(H7N9) virus infection since there was an increase in the number of cases in March�April. If there is a relationship, attention must be paid as there could be a potential outbreak in the same period (March�April) in the future.
The weather in eastern China...
Just a random snippet form a paper I was skimming that helps us southern hemispherans get a grip on the seasons and weather elsewhere...