H7N9 cases are mostly noted in older males (Average age 54-years; Wave 1 57-years; Wave 2 53-years) with the major risk being exposure to birds and "poultry markets" (commas because it is not just poultry being sold at these markets). No sustained human-to-human transmission has been noted and no specific vaccine exists although one is coming soon apparently. Oseltamivir or zanamivir are useful antivirals while adamantanes are of no use because H7N9 is resistant. to them. The second wave has peaked but we are still seeing a shoulder off the main peak from Wave 2; smaller numbers of cases each week (no longer occurring every day), often from regions other than those with closed poultry markets or with only recently closed or temporarily closed markets.
First chart. Click on chart to enlarge. |
Second chart. Click on chart to enlarge. |
Third chart. Click on chart to enlarge. |
Fourth chart. Click on chart to enlarge. |
Fifth chart. Click on chart to enlarge. |
Sixth chart. Click on chart to enlarge. |